We are the First and Only instant job matching web site in Sri Lanka. Its a perfect place for Employers to post jobs for Free and Find suitable Candidates instantly. Our intelligent system automatically matches Job seeker's profiles against Employer's requirements, and will list best candidates within seconds!
Recruiter.lk is unique and It's Free to register!
Its super simple for Job seekers to create their profiles and Employers to post Jobs and match candidates, a like.
- Its 100% Free to Register and Post Jobs
- We match candidates based on Job Categories under which the jobs is posted
- Each match results will consider, Job seeker's skills, qualifications, experiences and as well as candidates Personality.
- You don't pay for Job posting, but only to view candidate's contact details.
- Jobs are allowed to modify any number of time and find better matches before activating credit.
Signup Now to Create Profile / Post Jobs.